Dave Gardner’s “Thank God It’s Monday” 03OCT11

October 3, 2011

“Thank God It’s Monday” is to help companies thrive!

This week’s focus: strategy

Focus on the wrong things can be debilitating. Too many people are focused on matters they have no control over. If this was a good thing, I’d not be writing about it.

We don’t have control over the stock market, what then banks are doing, what the government is doing, what’s going on in the global economy, what our competitors are doing, etc.

What we do have control over is setting our own strategy and executing that strategy, irrespective of all the ambiguities that we are exposed to.

We have to manage our businesses.  If that means we need to turn off the news so we can focus, then so be it.

We must set a certain course and follow it, not become a rudderless ship being tossed about in a turbulent sea.  This is key to thriving.

Thought for the week:

“Be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde (by way of Raj Raheja)

What do you think? I welcome your blog comments!


Dave Gardner, Gardner & Associates Consulting


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