That Awkward Moment When You Learn…

August 13, 2013

awkward moment photo

crime does pay! Halliburton was fined $200,000 for destroying evidence related to the British Petroleum (BP) Gulf of Mexico oil spill and that settles the matter. For Halliburton, $200,000 is chump change. No one goes to jail. They aren’t restricted from future government contracting. Must be nice.

the Nairobi Kenya airport has its own fire department and is supported by the local firefighters who have one working fire engine and 100 firefighters for a city of 4 million people.

when the Wizard of the Cloud, Marc Benioff, pulled back the curtain and got into bed with Oracle, the mystery and intrigue of the cloud dissipated quickly. The “cloud” is really just an off-premise I.T. factory with an Internet pipe, servers, storage, network, applications, security and a database.

coming up with strategy is easy. It’s strategy implementation and execution that trips everybody up!

Dave Gardner, Gardner & Associates Consulting

© 2013 Dave Gardner

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